In The Dark

Written by Jacob Ramirez

My mind refuses to fade to black.

White walls constantly under attack.

Brush Strokes paint a book of recent memories.

The cover depicting a man in a bed that I grieved.

He lies still like a statue.

A shell of himself; disabled and bruised.

The view of his world is blurred.

Surrounded by familiar shadows voicing words of concern.

His mother with her hands on the bed.

Desperately pleading her lord takes her instead.

 Saying her son is leaving this earth too soon.

Leaving behind those crying under a sullen moon.

Watch as two behave as one.

Unable to bear that the reaper had won.

His sister and daughter stand by his side.

Gently tapping his arm with their eyes open wide.

Wishing he'd arise as if only sleeping.

Only to remain by him , weeping.

Brother's and men lean together red-eyed  .

Attempting to leave their emotions by the by.

Their walls weaken and crumble letting in the pain.

Realizing their efforts to be led in vain.

Barely able to speak a sentence combined .

Releasing a cry that sends shivers into your mind.

The family he had made.

Cry over the body where he once laid.

Coming together like never before.

Their worlds, shaken to the core.

Shoulder to shoulder unaware of anything .

For he, was their everything.

Painted images of his beautiful smile haunt the night. 

As I lay here, devoid of his bright light.

In loving Memory of Martin Ramirez

February 23 1965 - March 16 2023


The Indian Song


Summer Lamentation